UNMATCHED LOUDNESS: Emitting a powerful 120 dB blast, this air horn cuts through wind and waves, alerting others up to 1 mile (1,609 meters) away – a critical safety tool for any boating adventure. Extreme weather conditions may affect performance
MEETS U.S. COAST GUARD REQUIREMENTS: Ideal for safe boating in fog, rain and darkness. It will alert nearby boaters or the coast guard to your location in emergency situations. It also can be easily stowed away on a boat, jet-ski, dinghy, kayak, or canoe
THOUSANDS OF USES: Suitable on emergencies (boating, biking, jogging, walking), scare off (bears, other wild animals), outdoor activities (camping, hiking), celebrations (parties, football games, races) and other events where you need to be heard
COMPACT HAND-HELD SIZE: Space-saving design easily fits into side compartments of bags or pockets for quick access. ‎Product dimensions 5.0 x 1.6 x 1.6 inches
LIFETIME WARRANTY: Buy with confidence knowing Guard Dog guarantees the Air horn for life. Our industry leading lifetime warranty protect your purchase for the life of the unit with a stress-free process that provides the peace of mind you deserve